“Young Lighting Scientists”

The “Young Lighting Scientists” Contest is an annual event held as part of the International specialized exhibition Interlight Russia |Intelligent building Russia and the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Innovative lighting technology in Russia".

Russian and foreign experts - professors from leading Universities and Scientific organizations - will select the best papers of students and young lighting specialists to participate in the final of the Contest, which will take place on 20 September 2024 at the Interlight Russia | Intelligent building Russia exhibition in Moscow.

About the Contest

The Russian National Committee of the International Commission on Illumination together with the Exhibition Interlight Russia | Intelligent building Russia annually organizes the Contest "Young lighting Scientists". The aim of the Contest is to identify the best scientific paper in the field of light and lighting among young specialists and students. The papers selected by the Programme Committee are evaluated by a Jury consisting of representatives of Educational and Scientific Organizations. The Jury selects the 8 best papers for an in-person presentation, based on the results of which the Jury members choose the winner and prize-winners of the Competition Programme.

from students and young specialists from Russia, Turkie, China and Japan took part in the Contest in 2023.

 Who can take part?

The Contest participants can be students of Russian and foreign universities (bachelor's, specialist, master's) of full-time (part-time) education, postgraduate students, applicants, young scientists and specialists engaged in scientific, technical and applied research, development and design work in the field of light and lighting (not older than 35 years). To participate in the Contest, participants need to apply and upload a paper on the Contest page.

 Deadlines for submission of papers

Papers are accepted from 20 May to 15 August (inclusive). Participation in the Contest is free of charge. All submitted papers are subject to blind review by the Programme Committee. Criteria and form of reviewing are given in the Contest Regulations. Contest Regulations .

 Programme Committee and Jury

The Programme Committee and Jury of the Contest is formed of specialists from the professorial staff of Universities, employees of research Institutes and lighting companies, members of National Committees of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). The Programme Committee of 2024


There are 1, 2 and 3 prizes in each nomination. All participants of the Contest who make an in-person presentation will receive a diploma "Finalist of the Contest", as well as prizes provided by the sponsors of the event (if any). The winning papers will be published in "Light & Engineering" Journal (included in SCOPUS). All submitted papers will also be published in the journal of the Russian National Committee of CIE.

The Contest Jury

Анна Шахпарунянц, президент РНК МКО
Люокси Хао, вице-президент МКО

Сермин Онайгил

Ачараван Чутарат

Арзу Джиласун Кундараджи
Arzu Cilasun
Владимир Будак

Грега Бизжак

Мотохару Такао

Раиса Столяревская
Raisa Stolyarevskaya (Russia)


All accepted papers are published in the journal of the CIE NC RU "Lighting Engineering Innovations".The journal has been published since 2022. It is included in the Russian National Science Citation Base ("RINC").

Lighting Engineering Innovations 2022.
Lighting Engineering Innovations of Russia: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, 22 September 2022, Moscow. / ed. by P.A. Fedorishchev. - SPb.: Izd-vo "Nits Art", 2022. - 148 p.: ill.
ISBN: 978-5-907615-05-2
DOI: 10.51623/90761505

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Lighting Engineering Innovations: Journal of the CIE NC RU. №1, 2023
The first issue of the CIE NC RU Journal "Lighting Engineering Innovations" contains all peer-reviewed papers from the Contest "Young Lighting Scientists" and the Conference "Lighting Engineering Innovations of Russia" held on 21 September 2023 in Moscow.
ISSN: 2949-4958
Volume: 270 p.

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How it was in 2023

On 21 September 2023 at the International Exhibition Interlight Russia | Intelligent building Russia in Moscow the final of the Contest "Young lighting Scientists" was held. The Contest received 47 submissions from Russia, China, Turkey and Japan. The papers were divided into 3 sections - "Lighting Engineering", "Architecture and Lighting Design" and a section of International papers. The Jury debates were heated, and the result was the awarding of two third, two second and one first prizes!
  Results of the Contest in 2023

Registration of the participant of the Contest 2024

Papers are accepted from 20 May to 15 August (inclusive).To register your participation, please fill out the form below.


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